MAXScribe is excellent software developed by Stenograph, a company well known as being the leader for decades of transcript production software.

MAXScribe combines translated audio with onboard tools specialized for efficient editing of legal proceedings, including depositions, trials, and various types of hearings.

Learn to Transcribe Academy is honored to be a Stenograph school partner to train students how to edit in MAXScribe software.

Getting Started

FREE INTRODUCTORY COURSE: This is a free course introducing students to MAXScribe, giving them a guided tour of the software and answering lots of questions. This introductory course explains what to expect, including investment of time, class schedule, and price of our paid MAXScribe edit training. Time to complete this free course is approximately 30 minutes.
FAST-TRACK TRAINING: Our paid fast-track training is LIVE through Zoom, exclusively focused on editing and proofreading transcripts of U.S. litigation testimony, including realtime editing and proofing.
PREREQUISITES: Students need to have some background or prior training on punctuation, grammar, and formatting of transcripts of sworn testimony for the U.S. judicial system.

Who Might Benefit From Our Fast-Track Training?

* Legal transcriptionists and proofreaders wanting to become more diversified for work opportunities.
* CAT software scopists wanting to learn another type of software to add to their current skills.
* Working or retired court reporters maybe wanting something to do part time.

EMPLOYMENT: Employers are seeking well-trained MAXScribe editors. Our graduates receive membership in a provider network.
Free Software

Students of our MAXScribe paid training will receive the software at no charge.

Live Remote Training

Classroom training via Zoom for one month, two sessions per week.
