Pitfalls and Business Mistakes
Avoid common mistakes (1 hr.) .1 AAERT CEU.
Our course "Pitfalls" is a course that transcriptionists should take before embarking on their journey into the world of transcription. Do you know what the 15 most common mistakes are?
In this course, you will learn about common pitfalls that you may encounter and how to be prepared so that you can avoid them! This is really a must-take course so that you don't get tripped up and have regrets later. The course is short but jam-packed with valuable information!
Your Instructor
Hello. I am a certified court reporter with a wealth of transcription knowledge, spanning over 40 years. I am truly grateful for the assistance of a number of fellow transcriptionists and true experts in the field for their help in developing these courses and serving as coaches for our students!
Our courses are focused on how we can serve YOU to help increase your knowledge and give you the tools and comfort level needed to make some great money working from home as a transcriptionist!
Course Curriculum
StartLecture 1
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StartCE Information
StartCertificate of Completion