Working with Files
Organize, send/receive, zip, convert, and more (1 hr.) .1 AAERT CEU.
Our course "Working with Files" is a course that all transcriptionists should take because it is imperative to know how to upload, download, save, find, and organize computer files.
We go into everything in detail so that you will have a full understanding of your computer's files, how to send and receive files from clients, and much more.
Enroll today. Unclutter your computer, start backing up your files to the cloud, and feel confident that you can meet or exceed your client's expectations for being a whiz at file management.
Your Instructor
Hello. I am a certified court reporter with a wealth of transcription knowledge, spanning over 40 years. I am truly grateful for the assistance of a number of fellow transcriptionists and true experts in the field for their help in developing these courses and serving as coaches for our students!
Our courses are focused on how we can serve YOU to help increase your knowledge and give you the tools and comfort level needed to make some great money working from home as a transcriptionist!
Course Curriculum
StartLecture 1: Overview
StartLecture 2: Let's Get Organized!
StartLecture 3: Generally Speaking
StartLecture 4: Windows XP (12:44)
StartLecture 5: Windows Vista (3:22)
StartLecture 6: Windows 7 (10:38)
StartLecture 7: Windows 8 (16:45)
StartLecture 8: Windows 10 (10:25)
StartLecture 9: Mac (9:15)