Step-by-Step Scoping in Case CATalyst

Watch videos of various types of scoping in Case CATalyst software.


Interested in learning more about scoping using Case CATalyst software?

This video course shows how to bring files into the program, scope with and without audio, set up a foot pedal, how to scope a well-written file vs. a file not well written, listen to some accented speech, and how to edit AI should that need arise.

Whether just getting started with scoping from scratch, a seasoned legal (litigation) transcriptionist, or an experienced scopist, this course illustrates and discusses many features of Case CATalyst software from a user's perspective.

This course is designed to help you decide if scoping in Case CATalyst software is for you by seeing how it's done step by step.

Your Instructor

Linda Wilson, CCR
Linda Wilson, CCR

Hello. I am a certified court reporter with a wealth of transcription knowledge, spanning over 40 years. I am truly grateful for the assistance of a number of fellow transcriptionists and true experts in the field for their help in developing these courses and serving as coaches for our students!

Our courses are focused on how we can serve YOU to help increase your knowledge and give you the tools and comfort level needed to make some great money working from home as a transcriptionist!

Get started now!